Saturday, July 26, 2008

Learning Centre Activity


On Thursday, pupils had a go for the Learning Centre (LC) Activity for the first time. The four learning centres are: Word Centre, Listening Post, Reading Centre and Speech and Drama Centre.

This is carried out once every three weeks and based on Stellar approach.

Our 1-1 pupils are grouped into four groups: Superman, Ironman, Incredibles and Batman.

Each group is assigned a learning centre in round one which lasts for about 30minutues. Then they are rotated among the four learning centres.

The kids enjoyed this independent and co-operative learning for one girl asked me when can they have Learning Centre Activity again!

Speech and Drama Centre

Pupils discussing which role they will take on for the Speech and Drama centre. Each pupil is given a Reader's Theatre script to read out with expression and actions.

Mrs Ang helping them to get organised for the RT.

Listening Post Centre

Pupils got the chance to listen to the audio Big Book which they have read together with the teacher previously. Seen here are pupils adjusting the volume of their earphones.

They got really excited when they listened to the online audio story which comes with music and beautiful telling of a story. Music makes a great difference!
Reading Centre

This group of pupils was commended for their quiet and independent learning at the Reading Centre. Each reading silently or doing the learning sheet for the book they had read in a quiet manner. Well done!

See, Dylan was so engrossed in his reading!

Gladys (in foreground) was drawing a picture of the book read and Irfan (in background) was been asked by his group mate on an issue.

Word Centre
This group of kids preferred to play scrabble. Thanks to Samuel's father who sponsored a set to our class. Thank you Sir!
Our dear Danish preferred to play the Card game-forming sentences with the picture cards.
In the second round, another group of three kids decided to form sentences using the word cube.
Mrs Ang helping the kids to form grammatical sentence.

Siti is surely thinking hard to construct a sentence!
About five minutes before the next lesson, I decided to conduct a de-brief. Pupils and groups who behaved well were praised and areas of improvement were also mentioned so that they can be more productive in their learning and moving around from centre to centre.

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