Saturday, September 20, 2008

Conjunctions or Linking Words

Hello children

Last Friday, we played a game on making sentences using the three linking words: and, then, because.

Do you know how these words are used and when to use them?

You can play this online game Rags to Riches here. 

This game is on linking words like and, or, but.

This may be slightly difficult for you but have a go and have fun learning at your own pace.  You can ask the teachers next week if you are not sure about any items.

Go to BBC Balloons Joining Words for more practice too!


If is not taught in this term.  

It is used when you are imagining an event.  

Example 1: If you were a spider... ...

Well, you can NEVER be a spider but when using IF, it is telling the readers to imagine you are a spider.

Example 2: What would you do IF you won one thousand dollars?

Again, you did not win one thousands dollars but imagine you are.  So what would you do?

Example 3: If it snows in Singapore, I would run out onto the streets and let the snow fell onto me!

It is rather impossible that it will snow in Singapore, isn't it?  So, I used the word IF, to imagine what if it really happens one day!

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