Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Health Check-up

Every one is so anxious about the health check-up over the past few days. Every day, they will ask Miss Woo when they will have injection.

Once this word is heard by the rest, there will definitely be a commotion.

Some will frown, some will be animated about their fear and worries, some will joke about it while some will join in the chit-chat with zeal! :~)

Finally, they met the gentle and understanding nurses for the health check-up today.

They had eye and ear check, and measurement of their height and weight.

Three pupils were discovered to have very poor eye-sight after the check because the nurse informed Miss Woo about it. So, Miss Woo will be talking to these parents on this coming Friday Parents-Teacher Dialogue.

(above) Samuel was having his eye check.

(above) Pupils were waiting for their classmates to complete the check-up before they went for their recess.

(above) While every one was busying chatting and laughing, Dylan was seen sitting at a corner with his comics book. What an ardent reader!

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