Friday, November 28, 2008

Feeding time!

(above) photo by t7330 posted on Nature Photographic Society (S).

Click here to read more about the photographer's experience in taking this rare shot.

If you are interested to look at more of such exotic photographs on nature by photographers, click here. This is a forum which allows people to post their photos and others will post their comments.

Oh, you must click here to see how a snake eats up a bird.

(above) a spider, unknown species.

The above is taken by another photographer-budak who posted it on NPS (S) website. Click here for the link in the forum.

Last but not least, how about a close-up view of an ant?  Does an ant know when it is dying? Click here to see a few photos of the ant and a short write-up by the photographer. 

I'm sure you will learn more about nature at NPS (S) website!

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